Workshops & Events 2024

Little Earth

19-22 July
Temple of Alchemy

This is a community experience exploring how it is to live ni a temple culture. We will embark on a series of experiences supporting our journey into deeper layers of love and awareness. This advanced Temple Experience offers a transformative exploration of intimacy and the transmutation of sexual energy throughout the body - pleasure becomes a pathway for profound learning and understanding. You'll learn the art of authentic and consensual communication. You'll also experience the empowerment to owning your desires and confronting your fears. Al this will occur within a warm, supportive community, ready to embrace and hold you.
Main Centre

19-26 July
Rosen Method Bodywork Intensive

Rosen Method Bodywork Course
Whole Centre

27 July-1 August
Touch and Play
With Lee Bolton, Jamus Wood and Daniel Hayes.
Whole Centre

1-7 August
The Field Facilitator Training (Event Module)
Group Leader: Rachel Rickards

How to facilitate emergent group spaces where hearts and nervous systems can open, synchronize and the group comes alive as an embodied whole.
How to learn to listen together to what the group field is inviting, moment to moment, and have the confidence as a facilitator to act on it and be in service to it in real time.
How to stay connected to where you want to take a group, and yet also surrender so deeply that it is the intelligence of the field that leads us deeper together rather than one person's agendas.
How having a trauma-informed education in group facilitation can both add to and support the process of co- creation and emergent space development.
What practical knowledge and support is needed to create a strong enough container for the kind of "Field" any particular facilitator would like to hold space for.
If you are either an aspiring or experienced facilitator and you feel called to evolve your craft so you can be in deeper service to the intelligence and power of a group field, consider joining this training!
Whole Centre

7-11 August
Breathe A Festival of Life

Our vision is to create a Breathwork Festival that brings people together to explore and experience the power of the breath. Breathe aims to welcome practitioners, of all breathwork styles, to share their pearls with fellow breathers, who may or may not have previous experience of breathwork. Breathe envisions that this wonderful community will continue to grow and expand, and for breathwork to be more widely recognized and used as a powerful modality that is available to each and every one of us, to assist us in our healing journeys; the individual, collective and planetary.
Little Earth

12-15 August
Wild Feminine Wisdom Retreat
With Andrea Jackson

Womens Yoga & Dance Retreat
Whole Centre

24-28 August 2024
TantraLove Festival
With Tantra4GayMen
Whole Centre

28 August-1 September
4 day yoga intensive
With Di Sage

Pranayama, asana, restorative yoga and philosophy
Little Earth

30 August-3 September
Gaiwagweniyo Longdance Event
With Wolf Clan

Wolf Clan teaching lodge retreat intensive
Whole Centre

3-8 September
UK Shamanic Gathering
With Howard Malpas and friends

Annual gathering of those interested in learning more and participating in shamanic workshops, ceremony and like minded people. Now in its 18th Year
Main Centre

9-12 September
Group Leader: Caitlin Matthews

Advanced Shamanic Course
Main Centre

12-15 September
Living Tantra Training
With Jan Day, relationship coach and Art of Being® teacher
Main Centre

16-22 September
The Shamanic Breathwork Journey- A 7-Day Intensive Retreat Release, Retrieve, Reclaim & Integrate
Elaine Yonge
Shamanic Breathwork is an experiential journey which involves clearing, reclamation, healing and letting go of whatever is no longer working in your life. It is a modality which awakens access to your more authentic self and your inner wisdom beyond the ego. It  involves cyclical breathing, chakra-attuned music, focused energy-work, bodywork, artistic expression and community sharing. Also it provides you with a loving container where you can experience the healing transformations that unfold during altered states of consciousness. Shamanic Breathwork honours and blends the timeless wisdom of ancient traditions with the emerging new paradigm methods of healing. It functions as the rainbow bridge between these two worlds honouring the best of both worlds while creating a bridge for body, mind, heart, soul and spirit.
Main Centre

23-27 September
Soul Regeneration Training
Howard Malpas

Immersive spiritual training
Little Earth

24-29 September
Planets Alive
With John Wadsworth

Embodied Astrology & Astrodrama, Retreat
Main Centre

22-27 September
Soul Regeneration Training
Howard Malpas

Immersive spiritual training
Little Earth

27 September-14 October
Living Tantra 1
With Ed and Bethan

Living Tantra
Little Earth

30 Septembre-6 October
Sensual Mastery for Women
With Kalindi Jordan

A Woman's retreat to expand one's sexual nature
Main Centre

4-11 October
The Field Facilitator Training
Group Leader: Rachel Rickards

This year-long facilitator training is an advanced education in studying and working directly (from many different layers, and perspectives) with group fields. Especially those around facilitating transformational group spaces in anything ranging from: relationships, embodiment, therapy, intimacy, tantra, educational trainings, health & wellbeing.
Little Earth 6-11 OctoberDeath Doula Course Retreat
With Alexandra Derwen Death Doula training
Main Centre

11-16 October
Daniel Sutton Johanson

Little Earth

16-18 October
Love, Life and Laughter
With Marina White Raven

 Retreating doesn't have to be serious or heavy. Join this welcoming, uplifting and he-art based retreat in beautiful Somerset. Enjoy energising yoga, artfulness workshops, deep relaxation, connecting and sharing with like minded people and some silliness and belly laughs. Exceptional vegetarian menu and cozy ensuite accommodation.
Main Centre

18-24 October
Living Tantra Training
With Jan Day, relationship coach and Art of Being® teacher
Main Centre

24-27 October
Northern Drum
Group Leader: Chris Luttichau

Little Earth

24-27 October
Sound Immersion Retreat
Group Leader: Siobhan Swider

Sound healing retreat
Little Earth

30 October-3 November
UKBA CPD event
Group Leader: Kerry Veitch

Holding CPD workshops for the UK Breathwork community
Main Centre

3-8 November
Dancing with the Dead
With Sheila and Rick

Dancing with the Dead is an inter-dimensional journey connecting with the spirits of the ancestors to heal the rifts in ancestral lines which have an impact on our every day lives. This will be done with meditation, music, movement, prayers, petitions, and offerings to those who have passed.
You will have the opportunity to work with the magical and mysterious energies of the crystal skulls. Crystal skulls are powerful tools, and it is believed they can open doorways to a greater understanding of ourselves and our place in the universe.
Dancing with the Dead is an exhilarating and magical journey which will support you to step fully into your own power as a future ancestor here on Earth.
Lift the veil to hidden and mystical worlds and experience a week o f enchantment and magic to connect vou to what truly lights you up. With shamanic journeys, ceremony, ritual, breathwork, shadow work, movement, and SO much more....
Main Centre

8-14 November
Living Tantra Training
With Jan Day, relationship coach and Art of Being® teacher
Main Centre

14-17 November
Northern Drum
Group Leader: Chris Luttichau

Main Centre

17-21 November
Men and the Long Road Home
With William Ayot

Workshop for Men
Main Centre

21-25 November
Living Tantra Training
With Jan Day, relationship coach and Art of Being® teacher
Main Centre

25-29 November
Residential Therapy Marathon Deep Dive
With Juliet Grayson 

Residential Therapy
Main Centre

6-8 December
Residential Yoga Immersion
With Dory and Rory
Weekend of Yoga practices
Main Centre

8-15 December
The Field Facilitator Training
Group Leader: Rachel Rickards

This year-long facilitator training is an advanced education in studying and working directly (from many different layers, and perspectives) with group fields. Especially those around facilitating transformational group spaces in anything ranging from: relationships, embodiment, therapy, intimacy, tantra, educational trainings, health & wellbeing.
Main Centre

16-20 December
Malcolm Stern

Whole Centre

27 December-2 January
Passion, Power and Love
With Jan Day and team We will explore the ways we can become more open to the sacred, the joyful and the sensual in our everyday lives and in our relationships. Every touch – through our feelings, bodies and words – becomes a means to awaken to our passion, our power and our presence. We discover our inner lover, and we deepen our experience of all that it means to be intimate. This frees us to be happier in ourselves, and to bring more of ourselves and our gifts into the world around us.

Workshops & Events 2025

Little Earth

15-18 March
Psycho-spiritual & Therapeutic Shamanism
With Christa Mackinnon

Training course for therapeutic professionals

Whole Centre

24 April-1 May
Glastonbury Retreat - Your Sacred Wisdom
With Tracy Holloway

A 7 day immersive journey exploring the wisdom networks of your multidimensional nature, where you will be gently guided to access your own sacred inner wisdom and experience what it's like to be supported by highly evolved guides from unseen realms.

An exceptional week of sacred ceremony for those ready to be more deeply connected, enriched, empowered and aligned with their true authentic essence. Learn how to be vibrant, healthy and truly alive through these changing times by awakening the unique magic and sacred gifts of your own inner wisdom network. This nourishing week offers an experiential deep-dive into who you truly are as a wisdom keeper.