Sunny Davidson

Sunny Davidson is a carrier of the sweat lodge or temazcal altar in the lineage of the Sacred Fire of Itzachilatlan. He received the blessing to hold sweat lodges from Carmen Vicente, chief of the Red Path in Ecuador, on completion of his four years of Vision Quest in 2016. He has been regularly running sweat lodges since 2019.

Sunny is also a Canupa (sacred pipe) carrier, a song carrier, a ceremonial drummer, singer-songwriter, guitar teacher and father.  He has a broad repertoire of medicine songs, some of which he has written and some which he has learned on his journey with the Sacred Fire (and beyond), which he’s been on since 2006. Sunny is available to facilitate sweet lodges for groups at The EartSpirit Centre.

Contact him directly for availability and booking :

"Sunny was absolutely brilliant, a rare and beautiful soul, with a deep connection and appreciation for our group journey. Each individual was held by his presence, prayer and love. I’ve done many many sweat lodges over the years but nothing at this deep level of wonder and the sacred. Very highly recommended."

Jarvis Smith Founder Spirited Business and Leadership