David Taylor
David is the founder of the EarthSpirit Centre and turned an old falling-down farm into the unique, award-winning retreat centre it is today. He comes from a local family and has lived in the area since childhood. He has a background in green politics, having got involved as a teenager in 1974, and having been a Principal Speaker (leader) of the Green Party in the 1990s. He also founded the annual Green Gathering festival and the Green Fields at Glastonbury Festival. His interest in the power of myth to affect change led him to set up the Library of Avalon in Glastonbury in the 1980s; and it was his interest in both ecology and spirituality that led him to create EarthSpirit.

The story of EarthSpirit
David will tell the story of how he came to start the centre -the double rainbow, the altered state and the real-life challenges of raising money and organising all the building work- and how it grew to become the retreat centre it is today, winning awards along the way including insights into some of the incredible events and workshops that have taken place at the centre over the past four decades.

Local pre-history and myths
An exploration of the myths that permeate this part of Britain. EarthSpirit lies within the temenos of Avalon, and is an ideal place from which to explore the mythic capital of Britain, Glastonbury, and its’ dragonlore, fairy lore, ley lines and spiritual traditions. The centre itself used to have standing stones, sits right next to a sacred iron age hillfort, has a ley line running through it, and is close to one of the oldest trees in Britain. The area has been in continual habitation since the stone age.

Re-wild Yourself
This talk looks at how we can connect more deeply with our own nature; the way we move, use our eyes and ears, our posture, the way we eat, drink, sleep etc. It covers many ways in which we can live more naturally and healthily; including circadian rhythms, our biological age, sun-gazing, breathwork and movement practices.

Green Politics
David is happy to talk about the basic philosophy and policies that underpin green politics. He’s been involved with nonviolent direct action and has stood for election, locally, nationally and at a European level on many occasions, on behalf of the Green Party. Personal development and deep ecology infuse his own brand of politics.